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What is the difference between Xinjia Yilu 83, and how did it originate?

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Dear Jasmine,

hello from my country Slovenia. I am practising the art ot Tai Ji Chuan  nine years know.  I find your article Why do we say Chenjiagou…
and can you explain, please, while Im practising New frame 83 and Cannon fist new frame, what do you mean with this new forms for competitions, chen style 83 movement? What is the different with Xinjia Yilu 83, and who is the author of this one?  I will be very grateful for you answer.

from Lona Cop Finka

In our articles we mentioned that “Chen Style 56 movement-competition routine, Chen Style 83 movement, Chen Style 37 movement particular to the Beijing/Shanghai area just to name a few. ” Chen Style 56 movement is a competition routine that was originated from the China Martial Art/Sport Council, to standardise the various differences in Chen style practitioners. However, this form has not been consulted with nor validated by Chen Village. So Grand Masters like Zhu Tian Cai, Chen Xiaowang, Chen Zheng Lei, Wang Xi An etc., do not know this form and of course, have not practiced it.

As for Chen Style 83 Movement, it was originated from Grand Master Chen Fa Ke(17th Generation) when he was in Beijing. The intention was to let the students learn about the application of the laojia so as to attract younger students. If you have practiced laojia, most of the martial applications it conceals are hidden in its circular motions.

This 83 Movement by Chen Fake was not taught in Chen Village (in fact nobody has seen it), until 1970s when Chen Zhao Kui(Son of Chen Fa ke) went back to Chen Village and taught Chen Xiao Wang, Chen Zheng Lei, Zhu Tian Cai , Wang Xi An etc…  In performances of  the 83-form, to differentiate from the 72 forms, they named this Xinjia (new form, as it is relatively newer than the 72 forms). Hence, the 83 form was not practiced in Chen Village until the 70s.

The differences:
The laojia emphasises more of the gentle (ruo), song (relax) and circular motion. All the martial intentions has been hidden into its circular motions. The xinjia emphasis the application and the chin na (joint locking). Master Zhu Tian Cai recommend that for beginner, it is better to start with laojia, and then proceed to xinjia.

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