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Code of Conduct


Chen Tai Chi Academy’s key objectives:

  1. Deliver health and wellbeing through the responsible teaching of Chen Tai Chi
  2. Ensure a safety first approach in all our activities
  3. Develop student’s self-esteem, self-confidence
  4. Improve student’s personal safety and security
  5. Promote healthy community attitudes and values
  6. Encourage the development of a strong and resilient spirit

All persons participating in a class or course conducted by Chen Tai Chi Academy must agree to be bound by this Code of Conduct. Chen Tai Chi Academy reserves the right to make amendments or additions to this Code of Conduct at any time.

Participant Understanding

Chen Tai Chi is a form of martial arts, meaning they involve physical contact with one or more other practitioners in ways designed to simulate as closely as possible the self-defence options available to a practitioner when confronted with physical aggression and/or threatening behaviour.

As in any other physically demanding recreational activity, there is always a risk of injury. Any person participating in a class conducted by Chen Tai Chi Academy does so with the full understanding that whilst it is the policy of Chen Tai Chi Academy to minimise this risk, the nature of contact physical activity prevents its total elimination.

Persons participating in a class conducted by Chen Tai Chi Academy do so of their own volition and at their own risk.

Training Area Etiquette

  1. Persons will Jin-Li or salute with the left palm covers the right fist in the appropriate manner upon entering the Training Area;
  2. Shoes must be taken off before entering the training area unless the shoes are special martial arts footwear approved by the Instructor;
  3. Persons must be punctual, preferably early, so that they are ready to train when class commences. If arriving late, a person must wait at the side of the Training Area until the Instructor indicates that a person may join the class;
  4. Food and/or drink (including water) must not be consumed whilst on the training area. Water should be kept close by however for quick access;

Sickness or Injury 

  1. Persons must not train if they are suffering from the flu or other viral infection that may be passed on to other persons;
  2. Persons must advise the Instructor if suffering from any injury or medical condition, either permanent or temporary, which may be adversely affected by certain types of training; Some examples of this may include blood pressure problems and cardiac disorders, neck and back injuries, diabetes and asthma;
  3. If requested by the Instructor, persons with the above or like conditions must show this Code of Conduct to their physician and secure a medical certificate clearly stating that the person is able to participate in classes conducted by Chen Tai Chi Academy and whether there are any restrictions or conditions applicable.

Other Health Issues 

  1. Persons must not attend training under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs;
  2. Smoking is not allowed in the Training Area;
  3. No jewellery may be worn during training sessions unless it is safely covered by tape;
  4. Persons training must give proper attention to personal hygiene and exhibit clean grooming; and ensure that fingernails and toenails are trimmed and clean;
  5. Persons with a cut or bleeding injury must cease training immediately and receive appropriate first aid. Re-joining the training session will not be allowed until the instructor has deemed that is safe to do so;
  6. Persons administering first aid to a person suffering a cut or bleeding injury must wear protective gloves.

Sickness or Injury 

  1. Persons must not train if they are suffering from the flu or other viral infection that may be passed on to other persons;
  2. Persons must advise the Instructor if suffering from any injury or medical condition, either permanent or temporary, which may be adversely affected by certain types of training;
  3. Some examples of this may include blood pressure problems and cardiac disorders, neck and back injuries, diabetes and asthma;
  4. If requested by the Instructor, persons with the above or like conditions must show this Code of Conduct to their physician and secure a medical certificate clearly stating that the person is able to participate in classes conducted by Wellbeing Martial Arts and whether there are any restrictions or conditions applicable.

Other Health Issues 

  1. Persons must not attend training under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs;
  2. Smoking is not allowed in the Training Area;
  3. No jewellery may be worn during training sessions unless it is safely covered by tape;
  4. Persons training must give proper attention to personal hygiene and exhibit clean grooming; and ensure that fingernails and toenails are trimmed and clean;
  5. Persons with a cut or bleeding injury must cease training immediately and receive appropriate first aid. Re-joining the training session will not be allowed until the instructor has deemed that is safe to do so;
  6. Persons administering first aid to a person suffering a cut or bleeding injury must wear protective gloves.


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