Authentic Chen Tai Chi in Perth
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5 Elements
The are the first four postures of the laojia老架 or Old Frame Routine 1. This is the most important of the traditional Chen Tai Chi oldest routine (laojia in hanyupinyin)and often refer to Old Frame. By learning and mastering this four postures you have in fact covered more than 25% of the traditional Old Frame.
Why is it called Five elements?
Five Elements Theory is a Chinese philosophy used to describe interactions and relationships in nature. The corresponding directions are East(wood), South(fire), Centre(earth), West(metal), and North(water). 4 repetitions of these 4 postures will covered the 4 directions and will go back to the original starting location. It is simple, do not require a lot of space and easy to master.
Estimated time to learn this : 10 weeks
Beginner Youtube videos that you will learn. Beginner Playlist
13 Postures
This set of routine was developed by Grand Master Zhu based on the 13 Tai Chi postures. The 13 essentials are: 8 methods plus 4 foot works and 1 central equilium
掤 peng, 捋lǚ, 挤jǐ, 按àn, 采cǎi, 挒 liè, 肘zhǒu, 靠kào,进jìn,、退tuì、顾gù,、盼pàn、定dìng.
13 essential postures were selected from the traditional laojia (old frame or kata) for the students to enhance and solidify the foundation of Chen Taijiquan (Tai Chi). You will learn and understand more about the 13 essentials.
Estimated Time : 10 weeks
Intermediate Playlist: click here
72 Movements or Laojia Routine 1
Laojia Yi Lu (old forms, 72 postures) consists of 72 postures. Traditionally there is no starting and closing postures, but due to the modern day requirement these two are added. Therefore most school refer it to 74 postures. Grand Master Zhu Tian Cai explained that 72 is a multiple of 12. Traditionally Chinese culture are fond of this, 12 months, 12 zodiac , 12 Chinese hours in a day etc.
This is the oldest of the Chen style forms. It is refer to the 功夫架kongfujia, which mean the foundation martial art skill building form, in Chen village. (Note: Kongfu in Chinese mean to build skills with proper methods via effort and time)
It is considered to be the foundation form for all other practices.
13 Posturess
Learn how to maintain a comfortable and healthy posture in motion, with our comprehensive class that goes through the most ancient and authentic Tai Chi movements. These movements are gears to make your body more flexible and agile.